Explore over 600 works by Sven-David Sandström in this comprehensive catalogue spanning his five-decade career. Links have been provided for scores that are available for purchase or hire through Gehrmans Musikförlag, Svensk Musik, and other publishers.
Orchestra & Large Ensemble
Intrada (1969) for chamber orchestra Score
In the Meantime (1970) for chamber orchestra Score
Sounds from 14 Strings (1970) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
To You (1970) for orchestra, harpsichord and 4 pianos Score
Around a Line (1971) for orchestra Score
Through and Through (1972) for orchestra Recording Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Utmost (1975) for orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Culminations for Orchestra (1976) Score
The Rest is Dross (1979) for string orchestra Score
A Day—The Days (1987) for orchestra Score
Overture (1986-1987) for orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Invigningsfanfar från Radio Sverige 50-årsjubileum | Opening Fanfare for Radio Sweden's 50th Anniversary (1988) for orchestra Contact Sveriges Radio
Fantasia III (1989/1990) for orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Symphonic Piece (1991) for orchestra Score
Pieces of Pieces (1992) for orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
First-pieces, Overture for Orchestra (1994) Score
Young Pieces (1995) for String orchestra Score
Symphony No. 1 (1999) for orchestra Score
Piece for Orchestra No. 1 (2000) Score
Piece for Orchestra No. 2 (2001) Score
Symphony No. 2 in Seven Pictures (2001) Score
For Strings (2007) for string orchestra Score
Five Fantasy Pieces for Ensemble (2012) for chamber orchestra Score
Number Four: A Reflection on Beethoven’s Fourth Symphony (2012) for orchestra Score
Come, O Lord (2013) Arrangement of Henry Purcell’s “Hear My Prayer, O Lord” for orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Lyssnande (2013) for chamber orchestra Score
Symphony No. 5 Unfinished: Earth 1, Wind 1, Water 1, Fire, Water 2, Wind 2, Earth 2 (2018) for orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
The Hidden Treasure (2018) Orchestration of "Contrapunctus 8" from J.S. Bach’s "Die Kunst der Fuge" Score
Large Ensemble
Sjutton bildkombinationer | Seventeen Picture-combinations (1968) for winds, brass, percussion, & strings Contact Svensk Musik
Concentration (1971) for 2 flutes, 2 alto flute, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, & 4 double basses Contact Sveriges Radio
Con tutta forza (1976) for wind ensemble Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Brass and Drums (1985) for brassbound and percussion Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Chained (1986) for 4 pianos and 12 percussion Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Christmas Music: Piece for Brass and Percussion (1992) Score
Vattenmusik 1–2 | Water Music 1–2 (1992) for wind ensemble Score
Vattenmusik 1–2 | Water Music 4 (1992) for wind ensemble Score
Gloria (2004) for wind ensemble Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Six Interludes for Symphonic Band (2002) Score
1 The Opening, 2 The Sky, 3 Stones, 4 The Ground, 5 Inside, 6 Outside
Solo Instrument with Orchestra/Large Ensemble
Bilder | Pictures (1969) for percussion and orchestra Score
Agitato (1978) for piano and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tystnaden | The Silence (1979) for tenor, recitation, and 14 strings Score
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra (1980) Score
Lonesome: Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra (1982–83) Score
Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra (1985) Score
Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra (1987) Score
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1988) Score
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1990) Score
Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra (1993–94) Score
Concerto for Alto Recorder, Harpsichord, and Strings (1995) Score
Soft Music (1996) Score
Concert Pieces for Oboe and Strings (1999) Score
Concert Pieces for Percussion and Orchestra (2002) Score
Four Pieces for Soprano Saxophone and Band (2002) Score
Thoughts and Memories: Concerto for Violin, Cello, and String Orchestra (2003) Score
Six Concert Pieces for Guitar and Orchestra (2003) Score
Concert Pieces for Tuba, Strings, and Percussion (2003) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
A Desolate Wind—a Flighty Moment (2005) for clarinet and orchestra Score
Marche funèbre—Be still my child (2006) Score
Chamber Orchestra version of A Desolate Wind – a Flighty Moment
Symphony No. 3: Kärlekens fyra ansikten | The Four Faces of Love (2006) for soprano and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Five Pieces for Saxophones, Percussion, and Strings (2009) Score
Six Pieces for Piano Trio and Orchestra (2010) Score
Lullaby for the Newborn Child (2011) for violin & chamber orchestra Score
Force and Beauty: Five Dance Pieces for Solo Violin and Chamber Ensemble (2014) Score
Five Pieces for Piano and Orchestra (2014) Score
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra No. 2 (2015) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Seven Pieces for Violin and Orchestra (2015) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra (2017) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Stage Music
Birgitta-Musik I: På Finsta 1316 | Bridge Music I: At Finsta 1316 (1973) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Church opera with Libretto by Siva Arnér
Stark såsom döden–en kyrkoopera om konung David | Strong as Death: a Church Opera about King David (1978) Score
Libretto by Bengt V Wall
Hasta, o älskade brud | Haste, Oh Beloved Bride (1978) Score
TV opera with libretto by E J Stagnelius & Bengt Emil Jonsson
Kejsar Jones | Emperor Jones (1980) Score
Libretto by Lars Telestam & Eugene O'Neill
Slottet det vita | Castle the White(1982/1986) Score
Libretto by Tormod Haugen
Staden | The City (1996) Score
Libretto by Katarina Frostenson
Sankt Göran och draken | Saint George and the Dragon (1998) Score
Church opera with libretto by Caroline Krook
Jeppe–den grymma komedin | Jeppe: The Cruel Comedy (2001) Score
Claes Fellbom efter Ludvig Holberg
Bathsheba (2006) Contact Kungliga Operan Archives
Libretto by Leif Janzon/Torgny Lindgren
Nätverket | The Network (2008) Score
Libretto by Claes Fellbom
Föreställningen | The Performance (2013) Score
Chamber opera with libretto by Katarina Frostenson
Under en kvinnas hjärta | Under a Woman's Heart (2017) Score
Church opera with libretto by Leif Janzon
Book of Life (2019)
Libretto by Niklas Rådström
Den tysta stämman | The Silent Voice (1978) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Greta Lindholm
Convivere (1984) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Osnát Opatowsky
Admorica—det stora vemodet | Admorica: The Great Melancholy (1985) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Osnát Opatowsky
Den leende hunden | The Smiling Dog (1985) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Per Jonsson
Nimrûd (1986) Score
Choreography by Per Jonsson
La Passion (1986) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Per Jonsson
Dance I (1987) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Per Jonsson
Den elfte gryningen (1988) Score
Choreography by Per Jonsson
Colt/Dance IV (1989) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Per Jonsson
Ayas öga | Aya’s Eye (1991) Score
Music for Rambert Dance Company (1995) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Per Jonsson
Seven Days (2011) Score
Choreography by Örjan Andersson
Force and Beauty: Five Dance Pieces for Solo Violin and Chamber Ensemble (2014)
Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choreography by Susanne Jaresand
Film & Television
Ett drömspel | A Dream Play (1980)
Music for the TV-theater production, directed by Johan Bergenstråhle, SVT
Äntligen! | Finally! (1984)
Music for the film directed by Christer Dahl
Facklorna | The Torches (1991)
Music for the TV film, directed by Åke Sandgren, SVT
Förut låg här en by | There Used to Be a Village Here (1991)
Documentary oratorio, SR
Hemresa | Journey Home (1993)
Music for the TV drama, directed by Jan Bergman, SVT
Tomtemaskinen | The Santa Claus Machine (1993)
Music for the 1993 Holiday Calendar, directed by Torbjörn Ehrnvall, SVT
Ett sorts hades | A Kind of Hades (1996)
Music for the TV drama, directed by Lars Norén, SVT
Gertrud (1999)
Music for the TV production of Hjalmar Söderberg’s play, directed by Ulla Gottlieb, SVT
Vocal Music
Mixed Choir a cappella
Invention für sechzehn Stimmen | Invention for Sixteen Voices (1969) Score
Visst | Sure (1971) Score
Tre Dikter | Three Poems (1972) Score
Dilecte mi (1974) Score
A Cradle Song/The Tyger: Two Poems (1978) Recording Score
Spring/Introduction/Earth’s answer: Three poems (1978) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Agnus Dei (1980) Recording Score
En ny himmel och en ny jord | A New Heaven and a New Earth(1980) Recording Score
Läge januari 1980 (1980) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Three Poems by William Blake (1980) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Inkräktare i paradiset | Invaders in Paradise(1983) Score
Gloria (1983) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Sanctus (1984) for double choir Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Kyrie (1984) Score
O sanna (1985) for double choir Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Stille etter Gud | Quiet after God (1986) for 3 mixed choirs Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Es ist genug (1986) Recording Score
Hear my Prayer, O Lord (1986) Recording Score
Etyd nr 4 som i e-moll | Etude No. 4 as in E-Minor (1987) Recording Score
O Guds lamm | Oh, Lamb of God (1992) Score
Sju digte af Poul Borum | Seven Poems by Poul Borum (1992) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Laudamus te (1993) Score
Veni Sancte Spiritus (1993) Recording Score
Ave Maria (1994) for double choir Score
Ave maris stella (1994) Recording Score
April och tystnad | April in Silence (1996) Recording Score
In dulci jubilo (1997) Score
Kyrkan som tecken The Church as a Sign (2002) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Mässa (2002) for Mixed choir, mezzo-soprano, & baritone Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Stundtals är min väg så enslig | Sometimes My Path is so Lonely (2003) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Lobet den Herrn (2003) for Double choir Recording Score
Singet dem Herrn (2003) Recording Score
Psalm 139: O Lord, You Have Searched Me (2004) Score
Komm, Jesu, komm (2005) Recording Score
Five Pictures from the Bible (2006) Score
Utsnitt ur En Mölna Elegi för kör a cappella | Four excerpts from A Mölna Elegy (2006) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Fürchte Dich nicht | Do not be afraid (2007) Score
Jesu, meine Freude (2007) Recording Score
To See a World (2007) Recording Score
Ah! Sun Flower (2008) Recording Score
Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf (2008) Recording Score
Four Songs of Love (2008) Recording Score
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (2008) Score
A New Song of Love (2009) Recording Score
Drei Gedichte von Egon Schiele (2009) Score
The Lord’s Prayer (2009) Recording Score
Jacobs dröm | Jacob’s Dream (2009) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Julvisa | Christmas Song (2009) Score
Julvisa (2nd version; 2009) Score
Veni sancte spiritus (2010) Score
Veni, Creator Spiritus (2010) Score
Chorales from Matthäuspassion (2011) Score
Långsam musik | Slow Music (2011) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Psalm 67: God be merciful (2011) Score
Seamus Heaney Poems from Human Chain (2011) Score
The Half-Finished Heaven (2013) Score
Resan och C-dur | The Journey and C-Major (2013) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Bleib bei uns denn es will Abend werden (2014) Score
Vanity of Vanities (2014) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
The Giver of Stars (2015) Recording Score
Psalm 27 (2016) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
In paradisum (2016) Score
O sacrum convivium (2016) Score
Tantum ergo (2016) Recording Score
O salutaris hostia (2016) Recording Score
Drei Rilke Gesänge (2017) Score
Du holde Kunst (2017) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Nattfiske, ur Aspenströmkantat | Night Fishing, from the Aspenström Cantata (2018) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
For All Live Unto Him (2018) Score
Psalm 121 (2018) Score
For Our Lady of the Rocks (2018) Score
Seventeenth Century Nun’s Prayer (2019) Score
Male-voice Choir, Female-voice Choir, Children's Choir a cappella
Stenar | Stones (1981) for 5 male-voices/male-voice choir Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Introduction (1981) for Male-voice choir Score
Og disse ly fra dette rum | And these Shelter from this Space (1983) for 12 solo voices Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tre stycken för manskör | Three Pieces for Male-voice Choir (1984) Score
Pater Noster (1986) for Male-voice quintet Score
O me felicem (1987) for Male-voice choir Score
Ultreia (1995) für 6 Stimmen Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Qui Tollis & Osanna (2002) for Female-voice choir Score
Haikudikter IX (2005) for Male-voice choir Score
Sanctus (2010) for Male-voice choir Score
Ave Maria (2010) for Female-voice choir Score
Allhelgonamusik | All Saints' Music (2010) for Vocal quartet Score
Kyrie et Agnus Dei per tres voces (2013) Score
Lay a Garland on My Hearse (2014) for Male-voice choir Score
Tänd ljus!| Light Candles! (2014) for Male-voice choir Score
Autumn River Song (2015) for Children’s choir
Du vilar | You Are Resting (2015) for Male-voice choir Score
Ur Jaguaren | From the Jaguar (2015) for Male-voice choir
Sicut cervus—Sitivit anima mea—Sicut cervus (2016) for Boys’ choir and male-voice choir Score
Life (2018) for Male-voice choir Score
Let Him Kiss Me (2008, arr. 2023) for Male-voice choir Score
Choir & Orchestra/Large Ensemble
Tystnar ofta nog vår sång | Our Song Is Often Silenced (1978) for Mixed choir and symphonic wind ensemble Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
De ur alla minnen fallna | Mute the Bereaved Memories Speak (1979) for Soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, mixed choir, girls’ choir, orchestra, and tape Recording Score
Ut över slätten med en doft av hav | Beyond the Plain with a Scent of the Sea (1984) Cantata for soprano, mezzo soprano, baritone, bass, mixed choir, children’s choir, and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Drömmar | Dreams (1985) Cantata for mezzo soprano, tenor, mixed choir, and orchestra Score
Den elfte gryningen | The Eleventh Dawn (1988) Ballet for female-voice choir & orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
High Mass (1994) for 3 sopranos 2 mezzo sopranos, choir, organ, and orchestra Recording Score
Moses (1997) Oratorio for soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, choir, orchestra, and organ Score
Längtans segel | The Sails of Longing (2002) for Mezzosoprano, male-voice choir and orchestra Score
Juloratorium | Christmas Oratorio (2004) for Soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra Score
Ordet: en passion i tre akter | The Word: A Passion in Three Acts (2004) for Soli, choir, and orchestra Contact Sveriges Radio
Nakna, kalla | Naked, Cold (2005) for Mixed choir and string orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Magnificat (2005) for Soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, and chamber orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Mässa 2006 (2005) for Mixed choir and Strings Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Messiah (2008) for Soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, choir, and orchestra Recording Score
Three Poems by Prince Claus (2009) for Descant choir, percussion, and strings Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Missa brevis (2010) for Soprano, mixed choir, and orchestra Recording Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Requiem (2010-11) for 2 sopranos, baritone, bass, mixed choir, and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Matthäuspassion (2011) Oratorio for 9 soloists, mixed choir, orchestra, and organ Recording Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Dödsskepp i natten | Ship of Death at Night (2014) Tenor, mixed choir, orchestra Score
Halleluja (2015) for Mixed choir and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Symphony No. 4: A Luther Symphony (2016) for Baritone and orchestra Score
Sångens hus | The House of Song (2018) for Mixed choir and string orchestra Score
Te Deum (2018) for Mixed choir and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Uppbrott—“Det finns en gammal tid och en ny tid" | Departure—“There Is an Old and a New Time” (2018) for Soprano and baritone solo, mixed choir and orchestra Recording Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Choir with Solo Instruments/Chamber Ensemble
Lamento (1971) for 3 mixed choirs and 4 trombones Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Stjärnbildernas dans | The Dance of the Constellations (ca. 1980) for Mixed choir & 4 percussion
Our peace: Motet (1983) for 3 choirs and 3 organs
Salami och Zulamith (1983) for Mixed choir and 4 percussionists Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Birgittas klädnad (1987) for Soprano, mixed choir, flute, oboe, viola, and cello
Mässordinarium och Psaltarpsalm (1992) for Tenor, baritone, mixed choir, brass quintet, and organ Score
Nobelmusik (1994) for Brass quintet, mixed choir, and organ Score
Processionsmusik till återinvigningen av Katarina kyrka (1995) for Brass ensemble, percussion, boys’ chorus, mixed chorus Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Frihetsmässa | Freedom Mass (1996) for Soprano, mixed choir, clarinet, brass quintet, and organ Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Chrysaëtos (1998) for Mixed choir, harp, recitation Score
I det gula | In the Yellow (1999) for Mixed choir and Percussion Score
Birgittas Bön (2000) Mixed choir and organ Score
Missa cum jubilo (2002) Mixed choir and organ Score
Sång för Immanuel | Song for Immanuel (2005) Mixed choir and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Hear the Voice of the Bard: Introduction from Songs of Experience (2009) for Mezzosoprano, male-voice choir, and organ Score
Nordisk mässa | Nordic Mass (2013) for Mixed choir and cello Score
De profundis (2013) for Mixed choir and Percussion Score
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte | The Maiden Came from Her Lover’s Tryst (2014) for Tenor, male-voice choir, violin Score
The Passion of St. John (2014) for Countertenor, baritone, mixed choir, tuba, and string quartet Recording Score
Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (2015) for Mixed choir, organ, cello, bass Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Hvor er så dejligt som Din klode: Choral Suite from The Passion of St. John (2015) for Mixed choir and organ Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Sanctus—Agnus Dei (2018) for Soprano, female-voice choir, organ Score
Sonnets of Darkness and Love (2019) for Trombone/voice and mixed choir Score
Solo Voice with Solo instrument/Ensemble
Just a Bit (1972) for Soprano, bassoon, violin, and harp Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Vad söker då våra själar… | What, then, Are Our Souls Seeking (1973) for Mezzo soprano, trombone, cello, marimba, piano Score
The Lost Song (1974) for Soprano and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Two Love Songs for Kerstin and Kristine (1975) for Mezzosoprano, cello, and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Expression (1976) for Mezzosoprano, cello, piano four hands, tape Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tystnaden | The Silence (1979) for Tenor, recitation, and 14 strings Score
Nu dricker jag dig till | I Drink to Thee (1981) Scene for mezzosoprano and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Jag har i himlen en vän så god | I have a good friend in heaven (1985) for Voice, oboe, trumpet, percussion, organ, and synthesizer Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tre sånger om kärlek | Three Songs about Love (1989) for Mezzo soprano, violin, and piano Score
Sånger om kärlek | Songs about Love (1990) for Soprano and orchestra Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Vad har ni gjort | What Have You Done (1994) for Voice and piano Score
Se öarna | See the Islands (1998) for Mezzo soprano and wind quintet Score
From Mölna Elegy (2000) for Soprano and piano trio Score
Be still my child (2003) for Clarinet and mezzo soprano Score
Do something (2003) for Soprano, baritone, flute, violin, percussion
Gud är vår tillflykt, from "Music for the Church Year" (2008–2011)| The Second Day of Christmas for Soprano and organ Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Två Tranströmerdikter: 1. Minnena ser mig 2. Den halvfärdiga himlen, from "Music for the Church Year" (2008–2011) | Midsummer Day for Baritone & organ Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Sjung till Herrens ära, sjung en ny sång, from "Music for the Church Year" (2008–2011) | Nativity of St. John the Baptist for Soprano & piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Dansa (2012) for Voice and violin Score
Four Songs for Malena (2012) for Voice and String Ensemble Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tre dikter | Three Poems (2013) for Soprano, clarinet, and guitar Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Som eldflugan tänds och slocknar | Like the Firefly Lights up and Fades out (2015) for Voice and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tre dikter av Karl-Axel Thernberg (2015) for Soprano, violin, bass, and timpani Contact Svensk Musik
Håll ut näktergal! | Hold on, Nightingale! (2015) for Soprano, 4 percussionists Score
Som eldflugan tänds och slocknar | Like the Firefly Lights up and Fades out (2015) for Voice and piano Score
Drei Rilke Gesänge (2017) for Mezzo soprano and String Quartet Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen (2017) for Soprano, countertenor, piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Music for the Church Year (2008–2011)
Works for mixed choir a cappella, choir and/or vocal solo with solo instrument and/or ensemble. Non-vocal works from this collection have been added to their corresponding instrumental collection.
Scores available at Gehrmans MusikförlagRopa ut din glädje, dotter Sion | 1st Sunday in Advent for Organ, soprano, baritone, and mixed choir
Låt oss gå upp till Herrens berg | 2nd Sunday in Advent for Mixed choir
Människan är som gräset | 3rd Sunday in advent for Mixed choir
Så mörk är natten | 3rd Sunday in Advent "Lucia" for Mixed choir
Gloria in excelsis Deo | Christmas Eve for Mixed choir
När juldagsmorgon glimmar | Christmas Day for Mixed choir
Gud är vår tillflykt | The Second Day of Christmas for Soprano and organ
Så säger Herren | Epiphany for Mixed choir
Jag sköljer i oskuld mina händer | 3rd Sunday after Epiphany for Mixed choir
Lägg ditt liv i Herrens hand | 5th Sunday after Epiphany for Mixed choir
Gud, min Gud, dig söker jag | 6th Sunday after Epiphany for Mixed choir
Tre motetter för Fastlagssöndagen | Sunday before Lent for Mixed choir
Till Dig, Herre | 1st Sunday in Lent for Mixed choir
Herre, hör mitt rop | 2nd Sunday in Lent for Mixed choir
Ljusets barn (En gång var ni mörker) | 3rd Sunday in Lent for Violin, mixed choir and orchestra
Barmhärtig och nådig är Herren | 5th Sunday in Lent for Mixed choir
Tre motetter i Lent | 5th Sunday in Lent for Mixed choir
Gläd dig och jubla | Palm Sunday for Mixed choir
Vi samlas Herre kring ditt bord | Palm Sunday for Mixed choir
Ja, han var sargad | Good Friday for Mixed choir
Kantat till Påskdagen | Easter Day for Mixed choir
Påskens vittnen | 2nd Sunday in Easter for organ and choir
Det är gott att sjunga vår Guds lov | 4th Sunday in Easter for Mixed choir
En kort tid och ni ser mig inte längre | 4th Sunday in Easter for Mixed choir
Sjung till Herrens ära, sjung en ny sång | 5th Sunday in Easter for Mixed choir
The Lord’s Prayer | 5th Sunday after Easter Bönsöndagen for Mixed choir
Varför står ni och ser mot himlen | Ascension Day for Mixed choir
Motett för Heliga Trefaldighets dag | Holy Trinity Day for Mixed choir
Vilket djup av rikedom | Holy Trinity Day for Mixed choir
Kom och se vad Gud har gjort | 1st Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Herren Sebaot skall på detta berg | 2nd Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Veni sankte Spiritus | 3rd Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Låt min bön nå fram | 3rd Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Bär varandras bördor | 4th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Tre meditationer för cello solo | 5th Sunday after Trinity
Två fantasier för Apostladagen | 5th Sunday after Trinity for Flute and organ
Gud håller sina löften | 12th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Medmänniskan | 13th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Kom till mig | 15th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Dina döda skall få liv igen | 16th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Vakna, jubla, "Dina döda skall få liv igen" | 16th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Ty där din skatt är | 17th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Tvinga mig inte att överge dig | 19th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Gud du som har satt oss | 21st Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Sjung till Guds ära | 20th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Visheten ropar | 18th Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Ännu en kort tid (Cantata) | 22nd Sunday after Trinity for Mixed choir
Meditation över psaltarpsalm 139 | Sunday before the Feast of Christ the King for Organ
Dina tankar, o Gud | Feast of Christ the King for Mixed choir
Var hälsad, du högt benådade | Virgin Mary Annunciation Day for Mixed choir
Guds mäktiga verk | Annunciation for Mixed choir
Jacobs dröm | St. Michael’s Day for Mixed choir
Jag spanar efter Herren | Candlemas Day for Baritone & mixed choir
Te Deum | Thanksgiving Day for Mixed choir
Två Tranströmerdikter: 1. Minnena ser mig 2. Den halvfärdiga himlen | Midsummer Day for Baritone & organ
Gud som haver barnen kär | Child’s baptism for Mixed choir
Sex dagar därefter | Feast of the Transfiguration for Mixed choir
Sjung till Herrens ära, sjung en ny sång | Nativity of St. John the Baptist for Soprano & piano
Dessa som är klädda i vita kläder | All Saints’ Day for Mixed choir
Helig, helig, helig | Sunday after All Saints’ Day for Mixed choir
Jag ber dig, Herre, befria mig! | Sunday after All Saint’s Day for Mixed choir
Kyrie for Clarinet
Ljuvlig är din boning for Soprano, mixed choir, & strings
Lyckliga de Som Bor i Ditt Hus for Mixed choir
Möt dem med ömhet for Mixed choir
Orgelmässa for Organ solo
Som en ström, Sexagesima for Mixed choir
Chamber Music
Dialog(er) för 2 x människor + piano | Dialogue(s) for 2x Humans + Piano (1971) for piano four-hands Score
Concentration 2 (1972) for 2 pianos Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Close to... (1972) for clarinet and piano Score
Out of (1972) for violin and bassoon Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Five Duets for one piano (1973) for piano four-hands Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Inside (1974) for bass trombone and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Ratio (1974) for tuba and bass drum Score
Break this Heavy Chain that Does Freeze my Bones Around (1979) for 2 bassoons Score
Cento Battute Extra (1980) for 2 pianos Score
Composed with Daniel Börtz
Introduction; Out of Memories; Finish (1981) for 2 pianos Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Hunting (1983) for clarinet and cello Score
Pieces (1989) for violin and piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Two flutes (1991) for 2 flutes Score
Cello Sonata (1992) for cello and piano Score
Three Pieces for Violin and Cello (2012) Score
Three Pieces for two Violins (2012) Score
Fast and Short: Piece for two Guitars (2014) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Piece for Trumpet and Cello (2014) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Drick värmen ur min hand | Drink the warmth from my hand (2018) for 2 guitars Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Dagen svalnar | The Day is Cooling Down (2018) for 2 guitars Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Duo for Cello and Double Bass (2019)
Not published
Two Pieces for Violin and Cello (2019)
Not published
Mixed Ensembles
Concertato (1969) for clarinet, trombone, percussion, violoncello Score
Jumping Excursions (1970) for clarinet, violoncello, trombone, and cymbal Score
And all the Flavours Around: 6 Pieces (1973) for violin, piano, clarinet, flute Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Six Character-Pieces (1973) for flute, oboe, percussion, trombone, 2 violins, double bass Score
In the Shadow of (1974) for piano, crotales, glockenspiel, bells, wind chimes, violoncello Score
Oboe Quartet (2014) for oboe, violin, viola, and violoncello Score
String Ensembles
Musik für fünf Streicher | Music for Five Strings (1968) for 2 violins, viola, 2 violoncellos Score
String Quartet -69 (1969) Score
Mosaic (1970) for string trio Score
Behind (1981) for string quartet Score
Farewell (1985) for string quartet Score
String Quartet No. 3 (1987) Score
Dance III (1988) for 3 cellos Score
Fantasia II (1989) for Piano trio Score
Five Pieces for String Trio (2007) Score
It’s Very Late (2008) for string sextet Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Four Guitar Sounds for King David (2009) for guitar quartet Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Seven Pieces for String Quartet | String Quartet No. 4 (2010) Score
Seven Pieces for Nine Double Basses (2011) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Four Pieces for Piano Trio (2012) Score
Five pieces for String Quintet (2012) Score
Four Pieces for String Trio (2012) Score
Four Pieces for String Quartet (2012) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Short piece (2014) for string trio Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Twelve Short Pieces for Piano Trio (2018) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Wind & Brass Ensembles
Tre satser för bleckblåsarkvartett | Three Movements for Brass Quartet (1969) Score
Disturbances (1970) for brass sextet Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Färgblandning | Color-mixture (1970) for wind quintet Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Under the Surface (1971) for 6 trombones Score
Fanfar för 6 tubor | Fanfare for Six Tubas (1979) Contact Sveriges Radio
Within (1979) for 8 trombones and percussion (ad lib) Score
Moments musicaux (1985) for saxophone quartet Score
Scherzo (1986) for 2 clarinets and 2 bassoons Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
The Slumberous Mass (1987) for 4 trombones Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Brasskvintett | Brass Quintet (1988)
Not published
Fanfar till Riksdagen | Fanfare for the Parliament(1988) for brass sextet and percussion Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Heavy Metal (1991) for brass quintet Score
Brasskvintett | Brass Quintet (1993) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Processionsmusik | Processional music (1993) for brass quintet Score
Pieces for Saxophones (1994) for saxophone quartet
Not published
Fanfar till invigningen av Milles skulptur Gud Fader på Himmelsbågen (1995) for 4 horns, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba Contact Svensk Musik
Wind Pieces (1996) for wind quintet Score
Echopieces (1998) for brass ensemble
Not published; commissioned by NOMUS Ensemble
Three pieces for four Trombones and Tuba (2004)
Not published
Tuba Music (2013) for 3 Euphoniums, 3 tubas
Not published
Eleven Short Pieces for Brass Quintet (2018) Score
Percussion Ensemble
Metal, Metal (1974) for 4 percussion groups Score
Drums (1980) for timpani and 4 percussionists Score
Dance I (1987) for 5 percussionists Score
Free Music I (1990) for Flute and 6 percussionists Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Free Music II (1990) for piano and percussion Score
Pieces of Wood (1992) for 6 percussionists Score
Kroumata Pieces (1995) for 6 percussionists Score
Spring Music for Kroumata (1998) for 6 percussionists Score
Four Dances for Laura (2005) for 4 percussionists
Not published
Solo Instrument
Keyboard & Percussion
Fem pianoaforismer | Five Piano Aphorisms (1964/1979) Score
Sun and Moon (1970) for percussion Score
High Above (1972) for piano Score
The Way (1973) for organ Score
Openings (1975) for organ Score
Libera me | Befria mig ur friheten! All denna frihet! (1980) for organ Score
Blinded (1982) for piano Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
The Fallen Light (1984) for piano Score
The Last Fight (1984) for percussion Score
Fantasia I (1989) for piano Score
Ett porträtt | A portrait (1989) for organ Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Tre koralförspel | Three Chorale Preludes (1994) for organ Score
Meditation över psaltarpsalm 139, from "Music for the Church Year" (2008–2011) for organ Score
Sunday before the Feast of Christ the King
Orgelmässa (2011) for organ Score
I. Min Gud, när jag betänker, II. Halleluja! Sjung om Jesus, III. Det finns djup i Herrens godhet
Organ Fair (2013) Score
Keinen hat Gott verlassen (2016) for organ Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Woodwind & Brass
Sonata per flauto solo (1968) Score
Combinations (1969) for clarinet Score
Changes (1970) for clarinet Score
Disjointing (1970) for trombone Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Closeness (1972) for clarinet Score
Convergence (1973) for bassoon Score
Lips and Slides (1986) for Trombone Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Pieces for Alto Saxophone (1992) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
... there is a bluer sky, a wall with roses ... (2005) for clarinet Score
Pieces for Alto Saxophone (1992) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Kyrie, from "Music for the Church Year" (2008–2011) for clarinet Score
Piece for Bass Trombone (2014) Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Piece for Horn (2018) Score
Surrounded (1972) for guitar Score
Effort (1977) for Cello Contact Gehrmans Musikförlag
Away from (1980) for guitar Score
Diabas (1991) for violin Score
Four Pieces (2003) for guitar Contact Svensk Musik
Four Pieces for Solo Violin (2012) Score
Four Pieces for Solo Cello (2013) Score
Piece for Cello (2019)
Not published